High speed centrifuge is a technique which involves the application of centrifugal force to separate particles from a solution. It is widely used in the field of medicine, life science, agriculture science, institute and so on, used in the area of protein precipitation, RNA extraction and clinical sample processing.
1. Three types of centrifuge methods: Speed, RCF or centrifugation at ω2t angular velocity. Can reach the best centrifugal effect.
2. Brush frequency conversion motor.
3. Microcomputer processor for precise control. Digital display for speed, temperature, time and other parameters, button programming, switch display operating parameters and RCF values.
4. 30 sets of programs can be stored and recalled, and 10 lifting rates are available.
5. Automatic door lock, overspeed and over temperature automatic protection, unbalance protection, the body is made of high quality steel structure; safe and reliable, easy to use.
6. Unique spring cone sleeve is used to connect the rotor and the spindle. Easy to change the rotor, more safety and reliable, and easy to use.
7. Equipped with a variety of rotors to choose from, and can be designed according to the test requirements of a variety of adapters, a multi-purpose machine.
8. Three-stage vibration reduction, to reach the best centrifugal result.
9. LCD screen is optional.
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Onze laboratoriuminstrumenten en -apparatuur worden gebruikt in veel wetenschappelijke laboratoria, wetenschappelijke onderzoeksinstellingen, universiteiten, ziekenhuizen, centra voor ziektebestrijding en andere instellingen, en worden gecombineerd met vele bekende biofarmaceutica, nieuwe energie, elektronicabedrijven, voedselverwerking, milieubescherming, enz. Samenwerking tussen bedrijven, onze stabiele en betrouwbare producten worden geëxporteerd naar meer dan 120 landen over de hele wereld en worden door hen zeer erkend, geloof LABOAO, we groeien samen!